Website Design + Development +  SEO

Get a beautifully designed website that offers an engaging user experience. Drives organic traffic with Search Engine Optimization (SEO). And grows your audience with strategic original content.

ChicFlips Website homepage

Chic Flips now appears on Page 1 in Google Searches for:

home staging san jose | home stager san jose | best home staging san jose| best home stager san jose | home stager silicon valley |home staging silicon valley | best home staging silicon valley | best home stager silicon valley | Updated May 26, 2020


Chic Flips Home Staging | San Jose, CA
Challenge: Chic Flips was not appearing in Google search results as a San Jose home staging company and needed to drive more traffic to grow the business.

Solution: We designed a new website, researched and selected keywords for on-page SEO, and created social media content to drive traffic and generate leads.

Results: now ranks on Google page 1 for several keywords and has seen an increase in website traffic. 


Dr. Marianne Nielsen Chiropractic Neurology | Los Gatos, CA
Challenge: Vague and thin website content made it hard to understand the benefits of Dr. Nielsen’s  chiropractic services. It needed to clearly explain her services with well-organized, in-depth content that would engage and convert visitors.

Solution: We focused on her main services, created a better organizational structure, and added substantial new content including videos and photos.  We also provided on-page SEO to boost Google rankings.

Results: The website now ranks on Google page 1 for several keywords, plus provides engaging, benefit-driven copywriting, and a great UX experience.

Dr Marianne Nielsen Chiropractic Neurology Website Homepage

Dr. Nielsen’s website now appears on Page 1 in Google Searches for:

san jose chiropractic neurologist | san jose chiropractic neurology | los gatos no force chiropractor  | los gatos chiropractic neurology | no force chiropractor silicon valley | Updated May 26, 2020

ChicFlips Website homepage

Gomez Edwards Law Group website now communicates the firm’s brand of professional, friendly and caring approach to business. 



Gomez Edwards Law Group | Santa Clara, CA
Challenge: The website had no brand presence and had generic copy that didn’t differentiate the firm from other family law and estate planning law firms.

Solution: We developed their brand strategy and positioning to help define their key messaging. We designed a new website based on that brand strategy from a visual and copy standpoint, plus implemented SEO.



Classic Rock Custom & Designer Jewelry | San Jose, CA
Challenge: The website didn’t reflect the elegance of the brick and mortar store, had no capability to sell online, and needed to drive traffic to the store.

Solution: We shot all new photography, created an overview video and designed a new website based on our brand strategy and position positioning. We also added WooCommerce for an online store. 

Results:The website now ranks on Google page 1 for several keywords, plus communicates the elegance of the brand.

Classic Rock Custom & Designer Jewelry Home Page

Classic Rock’s website now appears on Page 1 in Google Searches for:

diamond store san jose | best diamond store san jose | jewelry store san jose | best jewelry store san jose | diamond store san jose |top diamond store san jose | top custom jewelry store silicon valley | Updated May 26, 2020


Website Redesign | Full SEO Program

Dental Smiles of Willow Glen. We redesigned the website and implemented a new SEO strategy boost rankings for specific keywords. The website features a more friendly brand voice which reflects the caring environment that this a top family dentist provides for his San Jose Bay Area patients.


On-page Website SEO

Small business owner and Scottish bagpiper Melody Pipes hired us to implement an on-page SEO strategy for her website With our help, her website now ranks on Page 1 — up from page 5 — in the Google Search Engine Rankings Page for the keyword “San Francisco Bay Area bagpiper.” Melody’s website now gets more traffic which is converting to customers.